Monday, November 30, 2009

Thoughts from the john

Wow. You gotta love modern technology. I am writing this blog while pooping. How cool is that?! Talk about killing two birds with one stone. I am sure that my sisters will think that this is gross... but I don't wipe my bum with my lap top so what's the big deal?

I am getting more and more excited about the idea of blogging.. even in the face of all that needs to be done over the next 24 days (!!!!), but I must warn my potential followers... I am looking for intrepid treckers that are willing to share my journey with me. The whole journey... not just the pretty parts. I don't always say the right things and even when I do say the right things they come out very, very wrong. I have been together with my partner Jeremie for nearly 4 years and so this blog will, inevitably, focus on him and/or our lives together. If that is too much to handle.. I am very sorry for you.

Now to the good stuff... I am on a quest to beat my man boobs (or as a childhood friend Paul Merrill calls them, MOOBS) once and for all!! This isn't the first time that I have said this, but it is the first time that I have said this on the intranets.. and everything on the intranets is true, right? So maybe my lucious moobs will read this blog and decide to shrink themselves.

Current moob size: A Fleshy Handful.. there is definitely volume there.

Check in later to see the progress. =)

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hello blogging world!

I feel really strange to be a part of you and i really don't think that I have time to give you the love and devotion that you really need. Don't take it personally blog world. I hear you are great, but I have waaaay too much to do before Christmas and even after Christmas I will be starting my masters degree (that's right!) so I am afraid that you will just be neglected and sad. Then when I log in you will act all stand off-ish and passive aggressive and we won't be able to really enjoy our time together.

But here goes....