Friday, March 19, 2010

Fat Roll!!

You may think that this is going to be a bad/sad/depressing post based off of the title.. but it's not!!!

My whole life I have had two fat rolls that have plagued me that leave these unsightly creases in my skin. Even in the (brief) times that I have had actual muscle tone and some definition in my abs. I call these creases Topper and Smiley. Topper because he sits at the top of my gut area and Smiley because he cuts across the middle of my gut horizontally and looks like a fat, red smile when I stand up and my stomach unrolls.

In recent days, after gaining several several pounds (...I blame Jeremie!!), there had been a new addition to my fat roll crease family. I call him Inverted Seagull. Let me explain... when you were a kid did you ever draw birds that looked like the McDonalds arches that didn't arch so high? Think about that bird shape and then turn it upside down.... Inverted Seagull. Now place that shape under my supple man boobs and you get the idea of what fat is rolling. =(

So, shortly after Inverted Seagull showed up Smiley started to go away because my gut was sticking out more and more and it couldn't fold in on itself. It was sad. I missed Smiley. He had been a part of my life for as long as I could remember.

Well... this morning I woke up to take my morning poop (SORRY! It is necessary for the story!!!) and when I finished and stood up to the sink to wash my hands I looked in the mirror and for the first time... after months.... SMILEY CAME HOME!!!!!

I have never been so excited to see one of those damned creases from a fat roll in my life!!

16 pounds thus far and I have noticed a distinct reduction in my gut. Enough to make it fold in again!! AND... Inverted Seagull gets lighter by the day!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Dave....that made me laugh so stinking hard! I am glad that you have been able to loose some weight, and gain your crease back....hahahahahahah!!
