Sunday, March 7, 2010


I LOVE documentaries. I think that they are usually the best movies that come out every year because there is something about an expose that really gets my blood going and knowing that what you are watching is real somehow makes everything more immediate and dramatic. Jeremie and I have watched 3 just recently.


OH MAN!! I think that everybody should watch this movie. I have to warn you... it is terrifying, grotesque, infuriating, and horribly tragic, but it is such an important movie that everyone needs to watch!! Plus, it sheds light on another way that special interests rule our country, but this example is much more immediate than others because it has a direct effect on the food that we eat EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Watch this movie! DO IT!!! Though... do NOT watch it right before you eat. Jeremie and I did that and it was a big mistake!


This movie is equally as shocking but in a very different way. There are certain animals that have a majestic quality or mystique surrounding them. Dolphins, killer whales, blue whales, horses, polar bears, seals, elephants, etc. There are a million others that I am sure that you can think of! This movie is about a town in Japan that herds dolphins from the ocean to sell to dolphin parks (like SEA WORLD!!). The ones that they don't sell to dolphin trainers.... THEY SLAUGHTER!!! Not only do they slaughter, but they say the meat is exotic whale meat as dolphin meat (being at the TOP of the food chain) is extremely high in mercury and not safe for consumption. There is a massive cover up from the Japanese government about this operation and the scariest part is this isn't the first incident like this in Japan.

See this movie!! It's a documentary, but there are parts that are more suspenseful than a big budget blockbuster! This movie isn't for the feint of heart though. It is graphic and it is shocking.

Like I said on facebook... killing a dolphin just seems like a one way ticket to hell kind of thing.

And finally... because we couldn't take another emotional roller-coaster...


This movie was fascinating from beginning to end!!! It is about Anna Wintour the editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine and the preparation and ensuing drama surrounding Vogue's September Issue which is anywhere from 650 - 800 pages yearly!! 800 pages for a magazine!!! Unreal.

I am sure that most of you have seen The Devil Wears Prada... That movie was based off of a book that was written by a former aide to Anna Wintour and when you watch The September Issue there is no doubt in the world!! Is the REAL Devil Wears Prada played out right before you eyes.

The most fascinating thing to me was the power that this one woman has. There is a scene where Wintour is meeting with heads of global department stores and they ask her to tell the designers to deliver their product more quickly and her response is "we are working on it." Spoken with the assurance that it will happen because she has said it. Just like Devil/Prada, designers show her their lines in hopes of being included on the pages of Vogue. This is a woman who truly dictates what people wear.

That being said there is a part in the movie where Wintour is talking about her siblings and the fact that they are "amused" by what she does. She has this pause where you see a million emotions play across her face and how hurt she is. The irony of that is she probably makes 50 times more than all of her siblings combined and wields more power than they could ever dream of. None of that matters though... she just wants her family to be proud of her.



  1. I saw the Cove and Food Inc on the Oscars last night! I want to watch them, but I fear they will make me cry! Plus, I don't want to see what my meat and chicken go through before I eat them..YUM...YUM!!! It is too sad, but dang they taste good!

  2. Thanks for the movie reviews. I've been dying to see Food Inc, but just haven't yet. I hadn't heard about Cove and I think that would be hard for me to watch. The September Issue sounds really interesting though. I really dislike people who think they are better than everyone else. Puke!

  3. hey! i have the september issue in my netflix cue and i've been waiting for it to be sent to me due to availability! i'm so excited to see it.
