Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So here is an update on the moobs (man-boobs)... I gotta say that I am still a solid "A Cup" but the moobs should be scared!!

Jeremie and I started the South Beach Diet last week. It is rough and it takes A LOT of work and a lot of shopping!! I have never eaten so many vegetables in one week in my entire life!! It seems like I spend all of my times preparing meals because they are all chock full of vegetables so I have to spend a year and a day cutting, steaming, sautee-ing and what not. The work is worth it though! I lost 6 pounds in one week and I am already down another 2 pounds in week 2! Next monday we get to move on to Phase II of the diet which reintroduces bread. Most people are excited about that and while I LOVE bread I have found that I miss sugar the most! I don't only miss it... I have intense cravings for it! I dream of sugar, sugar, sugar!! We can have Splenda or sugar substitutes, but it just isn't the same. =( As much as I miss it I just think of my results over the past week and that helps keep things in focus!

So... many of you know about my love/hate relationship with my Wii Fit game. It is good times and I really do enjoy it, but there is only so many times that you can take little Japanese child voices telling you that you are obese before you get a massive complex!! Not only do they call you obese but it has a really condescending tone and your little Mii character gets squatty and fat when they say it. Plus... when you step on the balance board for the first time... it. groans. IT GROANS!! Like I am some giant whale that is going to break it because I way 16 tons!!

Anyhoo... I got the Wii Active for super cheap at Costco the other day and tried it for the first time. It took less time than the regular workout on the Fit and I sweat a million times more! I put it on the low impact setting, but got the perfect workout for somemone as out of shape as I am! Plus.. the trainers are very encouraging throughout and I know that it is dumb, but sometimes it is nice to hear that you are doing a good job as opposed to being snickerd at behind your back by Japanese children.

So... MOOBS WATCH OUT! I am on the 30 day challenge on the Active and the diet has produced incredible results thus far. Your days are numbered moobs. Mark my words, your days are numbered!


  1. Okay, I think I may have just pee'd myself laughing so hard!! You are SUCH a crack up!!! I have to admit I will miss the moob stories.

    The wii fit not only calls me fat...which I am pretty sure I'm not....but if I am on it and Karson hasn't been on it it will tell me to tell him he's fat. We will have to try that active thing...I need to get into better shape....

  2. I am with Aubrie..I am laughing so freaking hard!

  3. At our house moobs are called boybies like boobies but with a boy first!

  4. I hear ya about prepping when you're eating so many veggies. I was constantly doing dishes because Chris does all the cooking. Something we really enjoyed cooking with was coconut oil. Well, he enjoyed cooking with it and I enjoyed eating the food! As far as the sugar cravings you should try this natural herb called gymnema. Oh, and instead of Splenda (very bad for you, it's chlorinated sugar!!) give Stevia a try. It's a natural sweetner. And I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I've been there so I thought I'd share what I learned. Good luck, you're doing awesome!!

  5. Thanks for the advise Marsha! I appreciate it! =)
    ...hmmmm I do all the cooking AND all the dishes. Something is wrong in my house!!

  6. UPDATE!!!! OH, and I love the ink site you put on here! I have ordered 2 times from there now! LOVE IT!
