Sunday, April 4, 2010

Crafty McCrafterson!!

My last post was dreadfully boring and I apologize about that. I forget that you blog stalkers only read picture books! =)

I have been semi busy lately with more projects that I am very proud of! I would have been busier, but the Olympics happened and my world kind of shuts down when they are on. Oh yeah... and I am getting my MBA now. That kind of throws a wrench into things as well.

Anyhoo.... Our dear friends Mike and Marquita are having another baby this coming Friday. They are naming him Peyton. As in Peyton Manning, MVP Quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts! Marquita is just a little bit obsessed. Just a little. I had previously made a set of Winnie The Pooh characters for their first son, Stephen. It was very cool... I put it in a shadow box with letters around it that said "Stephen's Hundred Acre Wood." Seeing as how Q is just a bit obsessed with Peyton and the colts I thought it would be fun to make the Pooh characters in all blue and white (colors of the Colts)

So I wanted to shadow box this as well, but our usual forest background wasn't appropriate. Jeremie came up with the idea of making the background a stadium and instead of hundred acre wood we would call it "Peyton's Super Bowl." It was a brilliant idea and we worked to put it into action!!

Jeremie is fixing the sky above the stadium. We need a craft room!!!!

Here is the finished product!! We were very excited about how it turned out!!

Notice the bling stadium lights? The Goodyear Blimp?! Love it! A last second addition which added a great touch was the corporate logos at the front of the stands! What superbowl would be complete without ads??

Here is the final product all put together and snazzy like!

Not sure if you can tell in the picture.. but Owl has a referee shirt on complete with whistle!

So once that was done I got 2 more blocks done on Lynn's quilt. Poor Lynn. I will finish this some day! I am very proud of the work I have done on this and think it is going to be amazing when it is finally finished!!! It will be worth the wait Lynn, I swear!! =)

Once I am done with Lynn's quilt I get to start my super secret quilt project that I am very excited about!!!


  1. Love the "Colt's" Your roosters are so pretty!

  2. You can blog about whatever you want...I don't only read picture books!!! I have the most boring posts, but I could care is all about me and my family, and I find it intersting, who cares what anyone else thinks...I just don't comment, because I have nothing else to add...hehe! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the crafts! One day, yes One day, I am going to get Jacksons poo characters to you so you can make them look just as amazing!

  3. love your many projects and so jealous. maybe one day i'll try to be cool and make something. but when i have an awesome uncle who can do this - why try?! :)

  4. Whats wrong with picture books?

  5. Love the Colts! Elizabeth gave me her Pooh Family that your mom made my kids love them. I try to relax when they paly cuz i want to keep them for ever!

  6. SERIOUSLY...I KNOW you have been up to MUCH more than you are bloggin about! UPADTE MAN! Help people like me who blog stalk to have something to read about!
