Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Great Flood of '10

One week ago today I was minding my own business updating my blog with lots of love pictures from my trip to Chicago (to appease those that only like pictures... AMY). I got up to go to the bathroom and notices a spill in my hallway.

I thought this was odd because I know I didn't spill any water there and if Jeremie did he would have cleaned it up. I stepped closer to investigate and this is what happened...

Water gushed out from underneath the flooring. It was then that I noticed another section of the floor was starting to actually warp...

CRAP!!!!!! At this point I hastily concluded my blog post (those of you who have read it know what I am talking about) and went in to wake Jeremie up.

Me: Um.... I think you need to wake up. There is water leaking through the floor and, um, I think it's kind of a major problem.

Jeremie: What do you mean???

We both stared bewildered at the growing problem for about 5 minutes (literally) and Jeremie finally said, "I don't even know what to do!"

Well.. we called the insurance first to make sure that we didn't get screwed on some technicality. It was a Sunday on Memorial Day weekend so, of course, we were only able to talk to a call center. The guy from the call center was VERY unhelpful and kept making excuses saying that they had some phone lines down so he wasn't able to connect us to the claims department and that we would need to CALL BACK LATER!!!!! Can you believe that??!! This was after explaining that we had a leak that was warping our floor and COMING UP THROUGH THE SEAMS IN OUR FLOORING!!!! To top it all off, this moron, after not being able to do anything for us, had the audacity to end the call with, "I HOPE EVERYTHING WORKS OUT FOR YOU TODAY." UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! It was one of those comments that made me want to call this turd's mother and tell her that she failed, ya know?

Anyhoo... a plumber came over and said there was nothing he could do at that point and that we had to get a restoration company to come in and rip our house apart and dry everything out. Once that happened the plumber would be back on Tuesday to diagnose the problem.

The picture of Jeremie cracks me up because it illustrates the situation perfectly. We just want to turn our back on the whole situation and pretend it never happened!!

Good news though... the insurance adjuster came out and the insurance is going to accept our claim!! Now we just have to deal with estimates and contractors and work and stuff.

Fortunately, the lead is gradual so at this point we are still able to turn on our water when needed to shower and so on so it could be A LOT worse!!!


  1. It is such a bummer when things like this happen...It's sooooo frustrating! Sorry! Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all back together again!

  2. For real! Good news... they broke the granite counter in the kitchen. Know what that means?? THE INSURANCE COMPANY IS BUYING ME NEW GRANITE COUNTERTOPS!! =)

  3. Oh my gosh!! I feel so bad for you, but seriously I can't stop laughing! I love your blog!

  4. Thanks for the pictures!!!!
