Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Some jerk....

So I took surface streets home from work tonight because I had to get gas before going home and I just didn't want to fight traffic getting to/on the freeway. So I'm driving down Broadway towards 7th Ave and some jerk in a Nissan truck came right up behind me and started tailgating me. Now, you must know that there are few things I hate more on this earth than tailgating. Then the guys starts flashing his lights and I'm just thinking, "what is this jerk's problem? There is plenty of room for him to go around!"
So he finally changes lanes and speeds up so that he is driving right along side of me. I was preparing some of my best words and some choice hand gestures, but when I turned and looked I realized that it was my nephew-in-law Karson smiling and waving hello. I felt like a fool.

Sorry Karson!

BTW... now driving behind Karson I learned that Karson isn't the safest driver I have ever seen. =)


  1. that is so freaking funny! Way to go Karson!! hehehe!

  2. I really am actually pretty safe. I just want to make sure Dave noticed me. When I have just driven(sp) by someone in a safe manner they don't notice. That is my excuse anyway.

  3. That is so funny!! I love it!

    And, I can vouch for Karson's driving. He is the safest driver I know. Seriously (I'm not just saying that because he's my husband...)
