Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Work, work, work

I haven't been on here for a while, but that is because I have been working like crazy all day at my actual job and then all night with school and my quilts.

Well... my first week of my MBA is done and now I get 2 weeks off for Christmas. I am very, very, very, very, very happy about that!

I had a very happy accident with this last quilt and I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out! I am planning on putting pictures up of the step by step process that I follow when making a quilt. It is pretty organic and I usually don't put a ton of planning into it. Jeremie and I will come up with a sketch and i will just kind of figure it out as I go. I know that probably isn't the best way to do things, but oh well.

I am going to bed now. I have been working so hard at my machine that my shoulders, elbows, and back ache. I feel like an impoverished Mexican woman.

1 comment:

  1. heheehehe! They turned out totally cute though! I love them! Of course they always do!
