Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Part 2

Jeremie and I flew to Oklahoma on Christmas day. Our plane landed around 7 PM in Tulsa. Now.. on Christmas Eve Oklahoma had one of its most intense snow storms in decades! We landed and taxied on runways COVERED in snow and ice. It was a bit freaky to see! Here is a picture of the tarmac from inside the terminal after we landed...

We trudged through knee deep (almost waist deep for Jeremie!) snow through the parking lot and began a white knuckled trip to Stillwater on icy/snowy roads. We counted 22 cars either stuck on or slid off the highway inlcuding a couple of jack knived semis...those were really freaky..on the way, but we made it to Jeremie's parents house safely. Once we were there the snow was quite lovely as it began to melt and it is the first time that I was around snow at Christmas time!

Here is a close up of Jeremie's parents' house (that J has nicknamed Belaflora!)

We had a very good time opening gifts with Jeremie's family and the kids seemed to enjoy the quilts, and the grandma REALLY enjoyed the quilts. To be honest I was a bit more interested in impressing the grandma! Look.. I can't provide grandchildren so I have to curry favor somehow!! My favorite reaction was from Dylan. Dylan has Downs and is one of the sweetest spirits you could ever hope to meet!!

This has been marathon post but just a couple of more things... So Becca made some bead socks for Jeremie's niece Kaylee. Becca packaged them in a clear cellophane bag with a pretty bow. When we got there, Jeremie wrote on the bottom of the bag that the socks were from Becca. This is a picture of Kaylee and her mom Christine and the reason that this picture cracks me up is that Christine's brow is furrowed and at this exact time she is saying "Um... who is Becca??!" Cracked me up! In the commotion I didn't have time to explain who "Becca" was! =)

I will have to do another post on Oklahoma but I will leave you with some cool shots from the McCubbin compound!

1 comment:

  1. Dang! Those are awesome, and scary pictures! You should have said the socks were from you and Jeremie though! The pictures of the house are AWESOME!!!! Can I come visit the compound???hehe! Actually I just want to come play in the play housese!!!!
