Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm in a funk right now. I don't know why. The rose colored glasses have come off and I don't like it when that happens. I start focusing on the negative side of things and that is not a good thing. I see a fight or a challenge in everything. I prepare long, eloquent arguments that I will be able to rattle off like a scene in a movie if someone gets on the wrong nerve. Or I go off on someone unexpectedly and without reason. No good.

I just need to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.


  1. Those are definately some BIG GIRL panties! I think you would swim in them...but hey, they are red...maybe if you pull them up to your can see through rose colored panties....heheheh!

  2. That's probably the most brilliant thing you have ever said EVER!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

  3. Like I said on facebook...I think I pee'd my pants a little that comment was so freaking funny Bec!
