Saturday, January 9, 2010


Jeremie and I saw a show last night. It was not good. In fact, it was really quite bad which is kind of infuriating. Yes, I am out of the game so I realize that I am armchair theatre critiquing here, but the training and experience I gained in the theatre don't go away. Nor do the expectations. I have seen about 20 productions from this same theatre company. Most of their shows have been excellent. A few have been superb. Very few have been bad.

This one was really bad, and it didn't have to be. They had the script and the talent to make for an incredible evening of theatre. Unfortunately, the director had the entire cast standing in a straight line shoulder to shoulder for 3 hours. I couldn't help but cringe and remember all of the times I had been screamed at by various directors for getting caught standing in a line. As and actor I became VERY conscious of the line and I avoided it like the plague. Imagine my disgust and utter disbelief when I realized that a cast of 5 had actually been BLOCKED to stand in a straight line. Unforgivable. A sophomore in high school could have done a better job directing.

The director of the show was obviously out of his depth to the point that I had to wonder if he had EVER directed a show before. Kind of like the movie Ed Wood where the producers of the Christian movie ask Ed Wood if he knows anything at all about the art of movie making.

I feel very bad for the cast. Cast -- know that you are great. Director -- I don't even know what to say. Unforgivable! Your audience has an expectation for your theatre's shows. You should have the self awareness to realize that you should not have directed this show.

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